Water Violet
Water Violet
White Chestnut
White Chestnut
Wild Oat
Wild Oat
Wild Rose
Wild Rose
VervainThose with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.Negative emotions : For those who are insistent, wilful, fervent, over-enthusiastic, stressed.Positive outcome : Enthusiasm moderated. Ability to listen to others view points.
VineVery capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they themselves do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants. They may be of great value in emergency.Negative emotions : For those who dominate others. Capable but bullying and tyrannical .Positive outcome : Loving leader and teacher. Appreciative of others talents.
WalnutFor those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasm, convictions or strong opinions of others. The remedy gives constancy and protection from outside influences.Negative emotions : Difficulties adapting to change. Influenced by others.Positive outcome : Serenity in the face of change. Protection form outside influences.
Water Violet
Water VioletFor those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them.Negative emotions : For those who are withdrawn, aloof, proud, self-reliant resulting in loneliness.Positive outcome : Opening up to others. Spontaneous.
White Chestnut
White ChestnutFor those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day.Negative emotions : Unresolved, circling thoughts. Rumination.Positive outcome : A calm, clear mind.
Wild Oat
Wild OatThose who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much experience, and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their difficulty is to determine what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they have no calling which appeals to them above all others. This may cause delay and dissatisfaction. Negative emotions : Inability to find one’s path in life. Unfulfilled and drifting.Positive outcome : Becoming purposeful and determined.
Wild Rose
Wild RoseThose who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and just glide through life, take it as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint.Negative emotions : Apathy and resignation.Positive outcome : Ability to live a full life. Spirit of joy and adventure.
WillowFor those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find these difficult to accept, without complaint or resentment, as they judge life much by the success which it brings. They feel that they have not deserved so great a trial, that it was unjust, and they become embittered. They often take less interest and less activity in those things of life which they had previously enjoyed.Negative emotions : Dissatisfied, resentful and bitter. Life is unfair.Positive outcome : Take on full responsibility for one’s life. See the good side of life.
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